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Scheduling & Throughput Rates

Throughput Rates are time based rates that identify how long an input in the value chain may take. Often throughput rates are key to scheduling in many businesses as this identifies the feasibility of taking on a product or service.

Throughput Rates


Data collection of a large sample size is crucial for throughput rates to be correctly designed. Ideally, all employees or machinery that this may effect must have some involvement within the design of this process.



The standard deviation of a particular task is crucial in the calculation of throughput rates. The statistical variances allow for unforeseen circumstances to be accounted for, ensuring correct calculation in feasibility.



Throughput rates in practice are often varied, depending on the task. It is important for data to be collected throughout the business lifecycle and varied to ensure continuous improvement.

Image by Eric Rothermel
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Scheduling is the process of arranging, controlling and optimising work and workloads in the production of a product or service. This area of operations in the business is overlooked in many industries.


The importance of this, is that often feasibility analysis is done on the schedule of a product or service. This will identify if a product or service is worth producing, meaning it is crucial for the scheduling to be correct.


Throughput rates are what creates the overall schedule to a product or service. Data and relevant statistics must be optimised in scheduling.


It is important for all people within a business to be involved in some part of the scheduling as all involved in a business must be within the value chain. 

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